Tag Archives: Exercise

Get the Right Exercise Clothes

If working out is a priority for you, or if you soon want to make it a priority so that you can lose weight and feel better while regaining your health, you have to have the right workout clothes. You can start out in sweats and a tee shirt, but soon enough you are going to want to wear something else. The right clothing for…


Drug Abuse on the One Hand and Exercise

What the scientists involved in the experiment wanted was to try to find a place where two polar opposites in human behavior – a fondness for exercise and fitness routines and a fondness for drug abuse – met. It was an experiment done in the Middle East that actually went some way to proving that a connection did exist. The experiment of course was done…


The Benefits of Exercise Extend Well Beyond the Sports Field

Sometimes, the kind of things that research ends up claiming can seem somewhat far-fetched. But that’s the whole point of conducting research, isn’t it – to reveal things that you wouldn’t otherwise think of? Consider this revelatory finding that was just published in the Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine about benefits of exercise that you would never have thought of your own:…


Great Abs Exercise Routine

Flip through any magazine that writes about fitness, and sooner or later, you are bound to find an article that tries to explain to you how essential it is to work on your core muscles. What are these core muscles that they keep trying to tell you about? In your abdomen, there are five important kinds of muscle that go all around your abdominal cavity.…